Fragrance Disclaimer
- Fragrance bottles are filled by weight, not volume. Levels may vary.
- This information is intended as a guide and is no substitute for your own testing and research. Results may vary according to individual recipes. It is the responsibility of each customer to test all products and fragrances thoroughly prior to personal use or commercial sale in all applications. We take no responsibility for your finished products made with our raw materials.
- Fragrance may not smell the same in the bottle as the finished product. This is a 100% concentrated fragrance. We recommend small batch tests prior to making conclusions and before making bulk purchases. We do not accept returns on any fragrances.
- The image is for illustration purposes only. The product, being a bottle of fragrance may look different. Your interpretation of scent may be different from the description. Scent is personal and variable. This product has no association with the other products with a similar name.
- Individuals must exercise their own judgment when deciding to use a product for a particular purpose. Nothing contained here should be considered as a recommendation by Blaze & Foam. We also hold no responsibility for errors in content or reliance upon this information.
- Candle fragrances may change in colour from batch to batch.
- Do not use candle fragrances for lip balm, even though the fragrances are skin safe. We offer a range of lip safe fragrance oils. If you are pregnant please discuss fragrance use with your healthcare professional.