Accessibility Policy

Ready to dive into the ocean of creativity with us? The invitation is extended to everyone! We're not exclusive, we're inclusive, and we're here to make sure everyone can join the party.

So, let's talk accessibility. We firmly believe that everyone deserves a front-row seat to the spectacle of life, without any ropes or barriers trying to keep them out. Our mission? We're creating a vibe where everyone isn't just tolerated; they're celebrated.

We also note accessibility considerations for private workshop options. We've also have a hotlist of wheelchair-accessible venues if you’re planning to arrange a remote private event.

Got friends rolling in with NDIS support? No sweat. Caregivers get fee free access.

Hearing assistance? Our team is all about trying our best to incorporate demonstration, and we've had Auslan translators attend our events.

Enlarge your view on our website:
You can activate the browser zoom via these keyboard shortcuts

Zoom in Firefox

Zoom in Chrome

 Apple Safari LogoZoom in Safari

Zoom in Internet Explorer

Zoom in Edge

Apple Mac and Windows operating system both contain options to enlarge your view of your screen:
Apple OS X

Now, we know we're not perfect. We're a small business that is always open to suggestions. Got an idea to make things even better? Get in touch.

Your journey into creativity is about to get a whole lot more inclusive and ridiculously fun. See you there!