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Soap FAQ

What Soap Making Supplies Do I Need To Start Out? 

Please see our melt and pour beginners kits. If you are new to soap making,melt and pour soap making is ideal to get you going. After that, you can move to cold process soap making, where you make soaps from scratch. 

What are the labelling requirements for soaps? 

Information to follow.

Why are cold process soaps made with sodium hydroxide?

All cold process handmade soap must contain lye also known as sodium hydroxide, as it is the catalyst that causes saponification - the chemical reaction that turns fats and oils into soap and glycerin.

Sodium hydroxide is derived from sodium chloride (sea salt) and converts the long-chain fatty acids of oils into soap. The sodium hydroxide does not remain in the bar because once it has reacted with the oils and fats it is chemically changed into soap and glycerin. Any final traces also disappear during the curing process on the rack.

What is the difference between cold processed soap and Melt & Pour Soap? 

Melt and pour soap is a pre-manufactured soap base which is designed to be melted down and then simply poured into a mould without altering its consistency. Cold process soaps are made from scratch.

How to look after cold process handmade soap to make it last? 

Because cold process hand made soap contains glycerine, it can retain more moisture than other soaps. To extend the life of your handcrafted soap, place it in a well-draining or slatted soap dish to dry between use. Keep unused bars in a cool, dry place out of direct contact with water.

How to look after melt & pour soap to make it last?

To prolong its life, keep your soap dry between uses. More natural soaps tend to disappear quicker than commercial soaps, but are gentler on skin. Don't leave it lying in a puddle of water.

Why does hand made cold process soap need to cure and how long does that take? 

Hand made cold process soap needs to slowly cure over time to harden, and for saponification to be completed. Air curing your soaps on racks will ensure that no lye is left in the finished bars. Besides, as the bars harden, they become milder. Like a fine wine, the longer the handmade soap cures, the better it becomes.